American Apparel has opened the doors to its manufacturing process by letting web surfers get a peek into what goes on inside its sweatshop-free factory in Los Angeles. On the fashion brand’s website, people can now get access to the goings-on inside the building by clicking on different windows of a virtual building.   Each window takes the web user to a specific department, from the sewing of t-shirts to the cutting of shoes. And if you’re feeling a little tense, there’s even a Massage Therapy department. Each department also has a video that gives a behind-the-scenes insight into the processes that lead to the final products that we see in the American Apparel shops. The video above shows scenes from the Product Development department, where staff turn an idea for a new product into a sample within just a few hours. Have a look at this link to explore the rest of the factory. Retail brands are increasingly showing off their production process to help give people a better understanding of how products are made. Now even high street brand American Apparel is using this technique to show off its sweatshop-free credentials.