With technology progressing quicker than ever, the gaming world is a place that has taken advantage of this shift and is continuously working to make the experience for a user more realistic each and every day. Handheld and headset devices are proving to be popular, we recently saw how the Oculus Rift headsets allow users to get a perspective of the human body from the opposite gender.
The Altergaze however, uses your smartphone power to deliver a high quality, cost-effective mobile virtual reality experience. It can be used either as a handheld or headset device. For gaming and other complex interactive applications, the Altergaze can be strapped to your head, where it creates a stereoscopic 3D experience with one of the widest fields of view ever developed for any commercial VR interface - over 110 degrees horizontally. Used in combination with the iPhone 5 (Retina Display) images look sharp, bright and colourful, with only a minor screen-door-effect. The low latency head-tracking is provided by the smartphones gyroscope, with an impressive 9 degrees of freedom.
Designed for a future that promotes 3D printing, the entire body of the Altergaze is 3D printed. When/if launched, you will be able to choose from a wide variety of different designs, different mobile phone brackets, 30 different colours (including glow-in-the-dark or transparent ones) and even different materials and 3D printing techniques. The Altergaze isn't in production just yet, as it is looking for pledges on Kickstarter. To support the project, simply head over here to make your pledge.
