The future is here, but you may not like the way it looks. Inspired by the survival techniques of a specific breed of slug, Algaculture is a bizarre symbiotic helmet/body suit that feeds you algae all day long. Created by London-based artists Michael Burton and Michiki Nitta, the concept came about when imagining a future where humans have to redesign the way we fuel our body and create an organic, symbiotic relationship with nature.
It is made from two parts. A headpiece feeds algae to the user, with scary-looking tubes placed in front of mouth to make it easy for the wearer to enjoy his diet of greens. The helmet is then connected to a suit, where algae is cultivated and replenished by photosynthesis. In a utopian future, it is suggested, the wearer could just relax in the sun and watch while lunch grows back.
While this vision may not appeal to everyone out there, in some cultures algaes are an important part of a daily diet. There are even talks that humble algae might be able to solve the problem of world hunger as our population increases.
Albeit utopian, Algaculture is another example of clothing with dual function, marrying technology and science. Check out magnetic dresses, inspired by forces of nature here, and dresses that change appearance by collecting energy released by the human body here.
