The Tate Modern and Airbnb are teaming up with contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama to turn a London bedroom into a liveable artistic installation. Pre-eminent conceptual Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama has teamed up with the Tate Modern and accommodation specialists Airbnb to create a competition that will turn one lucky Londoners bedroom into an immersive art exhibition.    

Kusama’s six-decade spanning archive of works uniquely explored the intersections of her own troubled psychology, feminism, sexuality and surrealism, amongst many other visceral and thematic ideas.

They were demonstrated most recently by her Scandinavian retrospective at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition showcased a sprawling universe of psychedelic dot patterns, visual art, bewildering mirror rooms and elaborate sculptures.

How these ideas will translate when downsized is anyone’s guess, but the Yayoi Kusama inspired interior design work will  guarantee that the winning room becomes the most valuable in the capital, in an artistic sense at least.

Applicants must submit a 300 word reason outlining why they deserve the honour of having their Airbnb listed space redesigned by one of the most iconic artists the world has ever known.

The closing date for the competition is midnight tonight (10th May). Winners will also receive tickets to the opening party of the Tate Modern’s extension, which takes place on June 16th. You can apply here.