Motorola has introduced new versions of its PowerPC 750 line of processors. The new 300 MHz, 333 MHz and 366 MHz PowerPC processors should soon be offered in Apple desktop and laptop machines. Claiming that the new processors are not only faster, but more efficient than current G3 processors. The new processors consume less than half the power of existing PowerPC 750 processors running that the same speeds. The efficient power consumption means these newest chips can still be used in power conservative devices like laptops.

Recent tests show that the fastest Pentium II 266 MHz in laptops consume 7.8 watts of power which is about twice as much power as the new PowerPC chips running at 3.5 watts.

"For a specific market, like notebooks, the PowerPC has a pretty big edge. Intel's fastest chip is only 266-MHz, whereas the new [366-MHz] PowerPC 750 would easily fit into a notebook environment. You could see a very dramatic advantage for the

PowerPC," said Linely Gwineapp, senior analyst with MicroDesign Resources.
