All sorts of small-scale publications, zines and magazines have popped up recently, many of which have emerged from the creative communities within global cities. But most have focused on a very local perspective. The Tale of Three Cities, however, a new arts journal launching this week in London's East, is taking a more international approach. It's the first publications to connect the three corners of Europe’s golden triangle: London, Paris and Berlin.The journal will only available in printed copy, courtesy of Dalston risographers, Ditto Press. 'A poem or photo is not the same on a computer screen,' says Editor-in-Chief. Alex Tieghi-Walker. The overall aim, according to their website, is to 'create something keepable, tangible; the type of print that has real permanence.'

As for the content, stories come from a mixture of established and up-and-coming writers that live and work in each city. In the first issue, features include an interview with writer Zadie Smith, as well as new work by artists Joss McKinley and Damien Florebert Cuypers. Overall, it's as a neat and stylish read, featuring fresh and interesting content in an aesthetically beautiful format.
But the publication doesn't end with print. Alongside the journal, the collective have been hosting a series of book swap events across the three cities, which have picked up a steady following. With a slight nod to the literary salons of yesteryear, the events invite guests to discuss and exchange their favourite literature and opinions. The drinks that are served also have a literary theme, such as the Huckleberry Gin and Tequila Mockingbir
The new publication, along with its accompanying events, indicate that there is a growing need amongst young consumers for tangible and convivial moments, serving as a break from their digital lives and a moment away from the screen.