Trip Book Smiles is the first e-reader to take into consideration a reader’s location

“It’s a completely new thing that’s never been done before,” says Marcel Rubens Paiva, one of Brazil’s most popular writers and the first to pen a story for Trip Book. “If the person is in Paris, he will start to read the story and it will take place in Paris. If he flies to New York, the same story will have references to places in New York.”

Smiles is one of Brazils biggest mileage programs, curated by advertising agency FCB Brazil. Their latest loyalty reward, Trip Book is an e-Reader containing a story which takes place exactly where the reader is. Depending on where you are the story adapts using GPS.

Since the proliferation of smartphones and data plans, we passively carry Internet connections with us all the time. Designers and developers are creating apps that cross the physical-virtual divide by connecting digital information, such as text, photos and audio, to real-world locations. The Internet of Places is enabling us to create new relationships with our surroundings.

Trip Book is now available as a free eBook for Android and iOS.