Well, that was fun.

If you missed the Post-Individualism forum last night, it was a blast. We had 123 folks join us to hear Yancey Strickler from Metalabel, Kei Kreutler from Other Internet, and Jack Self (with a cuppa) from Real Review. Here are some highlights:

  • Yancey defines the post-individual experience as happening "when someone accepts their individuality, but feels called for a variety of reasons (social, creative, metaphysical, financial) to seek greater meaning and context with others."
  • Identity after the internet, and the relationship between memory and identity. Kei believes we're living through a a "spam renaissance" and in 5 years' time, we might not be able to remember what it means to be a human online.
  • The relationship between post-individualism and capitalism, and Jack's concept of "Playlist Personalities". According to Jack, the proliferation of identities on the internet are mainly there to create products and sell you stuff.
  • We also covered "Brat summer", fandoms, lore and memes — and how these are signals that point to a post-individualistic future.

The pre/post poll also showed some shifts, so we must have done something right. We asked: "Are we entering a post-individualistic age?" at the beginning of the session:

And then again at the end:

In other news, we've started onboarding some incredible humans to our new Contributors Community — so if you're a researcher, strategist or just cultural curious and want to get paid to write Seeds and Observations as well as work on Protein Agency briefs:

P.S. All approved contributors get a complimentary Freelancer Membership that unlocks the entire Protein research archive and more!


Aphex Sink

"As our identity continues to splinter (digital, physical, legal), I find myself questioning whether to embrace the multiplicity or fight it. Do I adopt a pseudonym (horcruxing myself)? Do I strive for complete authenticity in every context (honoring my legal personhood)? Hard to answer, but something I’ve been thinking about often." Garrett Herzik's comment from the Forum chat last night


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Yes, we really have published 700+ issues 👀 of this newsletter. The first Protein Supplement was sent on 17th September 1997 to 14 people and (other than a few breaks over the years) has always aimed to distil what’s happening at the intersection of culture and technology into a concise and accessible digest. If you’re interested in digging into the (incomplete) archive, you can find it here.

We always like to hear from you and how we can improve what we do, and if you’re creative and curious and would like to help build a better future, come join us 💚