Have you ever wondered how to; create meaningful brand collaborations? Measure co-creation success beyond revenue? Or nurture a healthier community?

Well, we made a workshop off the back of the learnings from DIRTY WORDS #4 [COMMUNITY]  to answer all these questions and more. We ran the first one in New York last week and had some amazing feedback, so if you’d like to join the next one, please sign-up here. We’re also going to be sharing some insights at Broadcast Summit in Paris and did you know you can now download a free PDF version of the report?

In other news, there are two new Stories on the podcast for you to tuck into: Amber Atherton on the rise of  virtual communities and Protein Studios member, Templo on designing for impact. Speaking of our Shoreditch events and community space, we’ve just given it refresh, so shout out to another one of our amazing members, They That Do for making us look 🔥

P.S. We’ve also launched the first in a series of secret Studios playlists, so feel special, as you guys get the first play:

OK, we sense your thirst for trying to crash your browsers with too many tabs …








We give 200 $PRTN for any link posted in our Discord that makes the Protein Supplement. If you’re interested in becoming a Protein Member, you can apply here. Until next month, your friends at Protein 💚


Protein is a place where people and ideas grow 🌱 We do this through our global community, agency, and studio space. We believe we’ve all got a responsibility to think and act bigger than ourselves and that good growth can only be achieved by balancing progress, profit, and purpose.

Yes, we really have published 700+ issues 👀 of this newsletter. The first Protein Supplement was sent on 17th September 1997 to 14 people and (other than a few breaks over the years) has always aimed to distill what’s happening at the intersection of community and culture into a concise and accessible digest. If you’re interested in digging into the (incomplete) archive, you can here.

You can also find us on Discord, Mirror, Twitter, and Insta. We always like to hear from you and how we can improve what we do, so if you want to get in touch about anything, please use share your thought here.