Season 5 signals the beginning of a new adventure for Protein Community — by  combining the collective intelligence of our incredible members with the extensive experience and knowledge of Protein Agency to collaboratively tackle the next Dirty Word report. The topic, fittingly, is Community and it won’t be like anything you’ve seen from us before.

Historically these reports have been created in-house, so for the first time, our members will have the opportunity to be part of the process — earning, learning, and growing together — with all contributions being recognised and rewarded on-chain and in the final report.

So, do you have an insatiable urge to explore the past, present, and future of Community? Are you an incredibly talented researcher or strategist looking for a project you’re going to still be talking about in 5 years’ time? Perhaps you’re a designer or a copywriter with an interest in applying your skills in a new way? Or maybe you’re culturally curious and looking for a new community to explore and learn from? If any of this sound like your bag 

Inspired by the responses from our recent Supplement survey, we’ve categorised our links to reflect how you find them in our Discord, so we trust you like the new format:

đŸŽ€ăƒ»stories of growth

At the very end of last year, we had the absolute pleasure of speaking to Mindy Seu, editor, and gatherer of the Cyberfeminism Index — an evolving, collaborative archive of projects working towards cyberfeminist futures dating from 1985 to today. We discussed the evolution of the project and what community means to her and as a Supplement subscriber, you get the first read and listen:











“There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know.” – John Kenneth Galbraith


We give 200 $PRTN for any link that makes the Protein Supplement. So, a big shoutout to the following folks, we’ll be in touch shortly to sort your tokens:

sammccarthy.eth#2470, NatalieCrue#1918, Cheeseburger#6734, lomedia#4486, limone#5624, AmirCaten8ted#1874, heyjates#9854, VanKB#2896, benculpin#8988, Southofheaven#5914

Until next month, your friends at Protein 💚


Protein is a place where people and ideas grow đŸŒ± We do this through our global community, agency, and studio space. We believe we’ve all got a responsibility to think and act bigger than ourselves and that good growth can only be achieved by balancing progress, profit, and purpose.

Yes, we really have published 699 issues of this newsletter. The first Protein Supplement was sent on 17th September 1997 to 14 people and (other than a few breaks over the years) has always aimed to distill what’s happening at the intersection of culture and technology into a concise and accessible digest. If you’re interested in digging into the (incomplete) archive, you can here.

You can also find us on Discord, Mirror, Twitter, and Insta. We always like to hear from you and how we can improve what we do, so if you want to get in touch about anything, please use this form.