Our friends at Metalabel have launched a slick new online magazine called Public Record and features a nice piece about Protein by Austin Robey; it focuses on our “Me to We to Us” journey to be more intentional, collaborative, and community owned. You can read it here.

In other news, Season 4 is well underway after our members unanimously voting in favour of our very own merge — resulting in a flurry of new paid opportunities and fun projects for our members to get involved with.

If you’re still unsure about joining other culturally curious creatives, strategists and founders, then how would you like to be the first person to get your hands on our Ownership Report, as well as attend an exclusive members-only briefing by the Protein Agency team? Yeah, we thought that might do it …

Remember: Becoming a Protein member is free

Be sure to also listen our latest Stories of Growth episode with Cherie Hu from Water & Music and when you’re done with that, catch our Protein Forum discussion on “What can web2 organisations learn from web3 communities?” And finally, if you’re in London, we’re hosting a Vladimir Put-in butt plug fundraiser at Protein Studios tonight 👀

Right, here’s what our members have been dropping in the Protein Discord this month:


We give 200 $PRTN for any link that makes the Protein Supplement. So, a big shoutout to the following folks, we’ll be in touch shortly to sort your tokens:

MathewK#4975, MyPandaShallFly#3165,  Sixiann#3310, emmareads#0080, sunnndayyy#2630, JHennyArt#2106, samfurness#9198

Until next month, your friends at Protein 💚


Protein is a place where people and ideas grow 🌱 We do this through our global community, agency, and studio space. We believe we’ve all got a responsibility to think and act bigger than ourselves and that good growth can only be achieved by balancing progress, profit, and purpose.

Yes, we really have published 696 issues of this newsletter. As already mentioned above, the first Protein Supplement was sent on 17th September 1997 to 14 people and (other than a few breaks over the years) has always aimed to distill what’s happening at the intersection of culture and technology into a concise and accessible digest. If you’re interested in digging into the (incomplete) archive, you can here.

You can also find us on Discord, Mirror, Twitter, and Insta. We always like to hear from you and how we can improve what we do, so if you want to get in touch about anything, please use this form.