What’s even better than having Samsung and Touchnote.com delivering free, printed Love Note postcards for you anywhere in the world? Hand-delivering a Love Note yourself. Samsung GALAXY Note are offering to fly you across the world so you can surprise your partner, friend or relative in person with a Love Note. Running till Thursday 29th March 2012, you can enter the global competition by heading to galaxylovenote.com, just create a Love Note and be sure to tick the competition box at the end for your chance to win an all expenses paid trip.The GALAXY Love Note team has also just commissioned 100 emerging artists to create their own illustrations or photographs to be printed onto Love Notes. From today, you can select any of these artworks on galaxylovenote.com to use for your very own postcard. You’ll still be able to upload your own images for your Love Notes, you just have a much larger choice to pick from now. And, there’s no limit to the number of Love Notes you can send.We just got our hands on the Making Of film for the Valentine's Day special they released, have a peek at what happened behind-the-scenes here.The competition to hand-deliver your Love Note anywhere in the world ends next Thursday 29th March. Create a Love Note and you could be on a flight next week.